
  1. The Organization name is Indiana Online Users Group or IOLUG.
  2. The Organizational purpose is to provide opportunities for individuals to share and learn about current trends in libraries
  3. and technology to inspire innovation.
  4. The operational year is July 1 through June 30.
  5. Membership is open to anyone interested in networking with us to innovate, share and grow! All rights and privileges are
  6. conferred upon payment of annual dues.
  7. The Board of Directors consists of the four traditional officers, the Past-­‐President, three At-­‐Large Directors, the
  8. Membership Officer, the Newsletter Editor, and ex-­‐officio members according to the bylaws.
  9. A general meeting is held each Spring for election of officers and other business, with additional meetings called according
  10. to the Board’s discretion or mandate. Specific interest groups are encouraged to arrange their own meetings.
  11. The governance documents are this Constitution, its Bylaws, and the Standing Rules.
  12. All meetings follow Robert’s Rules of Order unless these documents specify otherwise.

As passed at the business meeting, Spring Conference, 1997.
Revised at the business meeting, Fall Conference, 1999.
Revised at the business meeting, Spring Conference, 2013